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Welcome To (CAC 2025)The 25th China Internationcl Agrochemical & Crop Protection Exhibifion

Welcome To (CAC 2025)The 25th China Internationcl Agrochemical & Crop Protection Exhibifion

From May 17 to 19, 2024, the 25rd China International Agrochemical and Plant Protection Exhibition, the 25rd China International Agrochemical Equipment and Plant Protection Equipment Exhibition, and t...

The role of citric acid in aquaculture
The application of citric acid in aquatic products can be done in two ways, one is to act on the body through feed addition, and the other is to act on the outside of the body through water splashing. Its effect is basically the same.

The role of citric acid in aquafeed:

acidification. By increasing the acidity of the feed, enhancing the activity of pepsin, trypsin, etc., the metabolic activity becomes stronger, improving the digestion efficiency of the aquatic animals to the feed, and improving the feed remuneration; promoting the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the digestive tract such as lactic acid bacteria, making it suitable for Under the conditions of full reproduction, the increase in the number of lactic acid bacteria takes a lot of nutrients and space, destroys the necessary living conditions such as Escherichia coli and causes their death, effectively inhibits the proliferation of harmful pathogenic microorganisms in aquatic animals, and reduces the incidence of diseases.

buffer. Citric acid has a synergistic effect with other ingredients in the feed, reducing the buffering power of protein, fat, etc. in the feed, which is conducive to absorption and metabolism, thus affecting the amount of food and digestion.

Chelation. While reducing the pH value of gastrointestinal contents, citric acid can be used as a ligand to chelate with trace elements to form a very stable complex with high biological potency, which is beneficial to the absorption of trace elements. It also has a certain mutual promotion effect with copper, zinc, antibiotics, etc. At the same time, it will achieve better results when it acts on aquatic animals; it forms a biological potency with minerals such as calcium, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. chelate to promote its absorption and retention.

lure. Citric acid is a good flavoring agent. When added to the feed, the taste of the feed is improved and the palatability is improved; citric acid can directly act on the taste bud cells of fish and shrimp, enhance the appetite of fish and shrimp, accelerate the feeding speed of fish and shrimp, reduce The feed is dissolved and lost, and the food intake of fish and shrimp feed is increased.

Fresh. Citric acid inhibits the proliferation of feed molds and the production of toxins, and enhances the anti-mold effect; when used in conjunction with antioxidants, it improves the antioxidant effect, delays the oxidation of feed, improves the stability of the feed, and prolongs the storage period; citric acid can also alleviate mycotoxins poisoning. function.

The role of citric acid in aquaculture water:

Detoxify. Citric acid enters the aquaculture environment in the form of water splashing, and relieves the toxicity of heavy metals by adsorbing, oxidizing or complexing heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn. Citric acid can also convert molecular ammonia in aquaculture wastewater into ammonium ions, and then combine with ammonia ions to generate stable ammonium salts, reducing the toxicity of toxic ammonia in water.

buffer. Citric acid has the function of adjusting the pH of water body and buffering and balancing water body. Citric acid itself is acidic, and has the function of balancing alkalinity and buffering ability to stabilize water quality.

Anti-stress. In aquaculture, due to factors such as water quality and environmental pollution, intensive aquaculture, toxic drugs and improper use of feed, aquatic animals will be affected by pH value, dissolved oxygen, light, toxic and radiating heavy metals, and electromagnetic fields. The state reduces anabolism, increases catabolism, weakens immune function, reduces body activity, inhibits reproduction, and reduces the output of aquatic products. Citric acid can reduce the stress response caused by excessive breeding density, low dissolved oxygen, high ammonia nitrogen and nitrite content, and sudden changes in water temperature.

clean water. Citric acid can make the water flocculation and suspended particles, organic matter, etc. settle down, increase the transparency of the water body, improve the water quality, and achieve the effect of water purification.

Degreasing. There are algal films and oil films in the breeding pond, which will disappear soon after using citric acid.

Algae protection. When the water environment is poor, algae can cause poisoning, poor growth, aging, and death. After using citric acid, it can quickly detoxify, promote the good growth of algae, and maintain the algal phase balance.

Antibacterial. Citric acid can enter the bacterial cell membrane through the dissociated acid ions or hydrogen ions to increase the intracellular osmotic pressure and reduce the acid value of the internal environment, resulting in normal bacterial metabolism disorders, or even lysis and death, indirectly reducing the number of harmful bacteria. Citric acid achieves the purpose of inhibiting bacteria by destroying the bacterial cell membrane, interfering with the synthesis of bacterial enzymes, and affecting the replication of bacterial DNA. Citric acid has a significant and sustained inhibitory effect on aquatic pathogenic bacteria Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas fluorescens. According to reports, Shi Yuxin et al. used different concentrations of citric acid to act on Aeromonas hydrophila, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Pseudomonas fluorescens respectively. The results showed that citric acid had different degrees of antibacterial effect on these three bacteria. , and its minimum inhibitory concentrations were 0.00110, 0.00080, and 0.00125g/mL, respectively, and the bacteriostatic effect could last for 6 days at the minimum concentration.

Citric acid has the characteristics of wide use, multi-function and good effect in aquaculture, and it is a necessary daily fishing product. However, when the pH value of the water body is low and the hydrogen sulfide content exceeds the standard, it is forbidden to use citric acid.
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