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What are the advantages of potassium formate in livestock and poultry
2023-09-20 17:06:07
The main functions and mechanisms are as follows
1. Reduce the pH value in the intestine. Potassium dicarboxylate is relatively stable in acidic environments and easily decomposes into formic acid in neutral or alkaline environments. Therefore, it is easy to decompose in a weakly alkaline environment of the pig intestine, and its products can significantly reduce the pH value of the chyme in the pig duodenum, which also promotes the activation of pepsin.
2. Regulate gut microbiota. Adding potassium formate to the diet of piglets can produce low levels of Escherichia coli and Salmonella, as well as high levels and diversity of lactobacilli in the intestines of piglets. Meanwhile, research has shown that the feces of piglets fed with potassium dicarboxylate diet also significantly reduced Salmonella.
3. Improve digestion and utilization rate. It can promote the secretion of pepsin, thereby promoting the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the diet by animals.
What are the advantages of potassium formate?
1 The growth promoting effect of antibiotics
The reason why potassium formate has antibiotic growth promoting effect is that it has a strong killing effect on pathogenic bacteria in the intestine.
The unique anti microbial function of potassium formate is based on the comprehensive effect of formic acid and formate. 85% potassium formate is consumed in its complete form and passes through the acidic stomach to reach the neutral and slightly alkaline back-end intestine, which automatically decomposes into formic acid and formate. The formate anion decomposes bacterial cell wall proteins outside the cell wall, exerting bactericidal and antibacterial effects. The released potassium ions can also improve the utilization rate of lysine.
2 The acidification effect is better than that of ordinary acidifiers
Potassium dicarboxylate has strong acidity and is slowly released in the digestive tract, with high buffering capacity, which can avoid excessive fluctuations in animal gastrointestinal acidity.
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