Solvent Orange 107 is an organic dye that belongs to the class of azo dyes. It is primarily used as a colorant for various applications. The functions and uses of Solvent Orange 107 include:
Industrial colorant: Solvent Orange 107 is commonly used as a dye in industrial applications. It imparts a vibrant orange color to different materials, including plastics, coatings, and textiles. The dye is often used in the production of plastic products, such as toys, packaging materials, and consumer goods, to provide an attractive orange hue.
Ink manufacturing: Solvent Orange 107 is used in the formulation of inks, including both water-based and solvent-based inks. It provides an intense orange color and is employed in printing applications such as packaging, paper, labels, and commercial printing.
Biological staining: Solvent Orange 107 can be utilized as a biological stain in laboratory applications. It is sometimes used to stain and differentiate specific cell structures or components in histology and cytology. The dye's distinctive orange color allows for visualizing and identifying certain cellular elements or tissues.
Fluorescent marker: In some cases, Solvent Orange 107 may be used as a fluorescent marker or tracer in scientific research and diagnostic applications. It possesses fluorescence properties that can be utilized for labeling or tracking specific substances or structures.