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Welcome To (CAC 2025)The 25th China Internationcl Agrochemical & Crop Protection Exhibifion

Welcome To (CAC 2025)The 25th China Internationcl Agrochemical & Crop Protection Exhibifion

From May 17 to 19, 2024, the 25rd China International Agrochemical and Plant Protection Exhibition, the 25rd China International Agrochemical Equipment and Plant Protection Equipment Exhibition, and t...

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  • Insecticide

    D-phenothrin 93%

    d-Phenothrin is a fast acting insecticide, effective by contact and stomach action. Controls most Lepidoptera,Hemiptera (bed bugs), Diptera (flies, gnats, and mosquitos), cockroaches and lice.

    Tags : Molluscicide, Biological Pesticide (1r)-trans-phenothrin D-phenothrin 93% CAS No.: 26046-85-5

  • Insecticide

    Tetramethrin 95%TC

    Product Description   Product Name tetramethrin 95%tc, 92%tc Function Insecticide Specification tetramethrin 95%tc, 92%tc Chemical Name (1,3,4,5,6,7-hexahydro-1,3-dioxo-2H-isoindol-2-yl)methyl 2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methyl-1-propenyl)cyclopropanecarboxylate    CAS No. 7696-12-0 Empirical Formula C19H25NO4     Toxicology  Oral Acute oral LD50 for rats >5000 mg/kg.  Skin and eye Acute percutaneous LD50 for rabbits >2000 mg/kg. Non-irritant to skin.  Inhalation LC50 (4 h) for rats >2.73 mg/l air.  NOEL In 13 w feeding trials, dogs receiving 5000 mg/kg diet showed no ill-effects. In 6 mo feeding trials, no-effect level for rats was 1500 mg/kg diet.  Other No evidence of oncogenicity.  Toxicity class WHO (a.i.) U; EPA (formulation) IV   Applications  Mode of action Non-systemic insecticide with contact action. Gives rapid knockdown.  Uses Normally used in combination with synergists (e.g. piperonyl butoxide) and other insecticides for control of flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, wasps, and other insect pests in public health and home and garden use. Formulation types AE; DP; EC; EW; OE; UL; Oil.  Package 25kg/drum, etc Packaging & Shipping     SMALL PACKING Liquid 5L/Drum,1L/Bottle, 500ml/Bottle, 250ml/Bottle, 200ml/Bottle, 100ml/Bottle, 50ml/Bottle etc. Powder 1kg/Alu bag, 500g/Alu bag, 200g/Alu bag, 100g/Alu bag, 50g/Alu bag, 15g/Alu bag etc.

    Tags : CAS No.:7696-12-0 Tetramethrin 95%TC 93% TC

  • Insecticide

    Fenthion 90% TC

    Quick Details CAS No.: Other Names: MF: EINECS No.: Place of Origin: State: Purity: Application: Molar mass: Melting point: Boiling point: Solubility in water: 55-38-9 Fenthion Insecticide C10H15O3PS2 200-231-9  China (Mainland) Liquid 90% TC, 50% EC Insecticides 278.33 g/mol 7 °C (45 °F; 280 K) 87 °C (189 °F; 360 K) at 0.01 mmHg 54-56 ppm (at 20 °C) Packaging & Delivery Packaging Details 100mL, 125mL, 1L, 5L, 10L, 20L PE HDPE C0-EX or as the customer's requirement Port SHANGHAI Lead Time : 15 days for bulk packing, 20 days for small packing  

    Tags : CAS No.:55-38-9

  • Insecticide

    Triazophos 20% EC

    For aphids, beetles, borers, bugs, foliar-feeding larvae, fruit flies, leafhoppers, leafminers, nematodes, scales, soil insects, thrips, mites and whiteflies in fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals .

    Tags : CAS No.: 24017-47-8 Triazophos 20% EC

  • Herbicide

    Nicosulfuron 95%TC 4 %SC 75% WDG/WP

    Nicosulfuron Mode of action Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the foliage and roots, with rapid translocation in xylem and phloem to the meristematic tissues.

    Tags : CAS No: 111991-09-4 Factroy supply Nicosulfuron

  • Herbicide

    Imazamox 98% TC

    Branched chain amino acid synthesis (ALS or AHAS) inhibitor. Selectivity in soya beans and peanuts is attributed to rapid detoxification via demethylation and glycosylation (B. Tecle et al., Proc. 1997 Br. Crop Prot. Conf. - Weeds, 2,605).  Post-emergence herbicide, absorbed through both foliage and roots and translocated to growing points. Plants wilt and turn brown.For post-emergence weed control in soya beans and other legumes grown in rotation with sugar beet and other crops where more persistent imidazolinones are not suited and in crops tolerant to imazamox, such as 'Clearfield' wheat, rape and sunflowers. Application rates 0.032-0.05 lb/a.

    Tags : CAS No.: 114311-32-9

  • Insecticide

    Imidacloprid 2% GR

    Widely-used systemic insecticide

    Tags : CAS No.:13826-41-3

  • Fungicide

    Tricyclazole 75% WP

    Mode of action Systemic fungicide, absorbed rapidly by the roots, with translocation through the plant. Uses Control of rice blast (Pyricularia oryzae) in transplanted and direct-seeded rice at 100 g/ha. Can be applied as a flat drench, transplant root soak, or foliar application. One or two applications by one or more of these methods give a season-long control of the disease.

    Tags : CAS No.: 41814-78-2 Application: fungicide

  • Herbicide

    Trifluralin 480 g/L EC

    Trifluralin is a kind of soil processing herbicide   being extensively used in dry land before germination, such as: Soybean,  cotton, peanut, sunflower, rape, potato, winter wheat, brassica oleraceal.,   lucerne, vegetable, orchard, mulberry field, plant for display.

    Tags : CAS No.: 1582-09-8

  • Herbicide

    Tribenuron-methyl 10% WP

    This product is a seed inside by selective herbicide, root, stem and leaf can be weeds direct absorption, weeds grow, to stop the medicine gradually retreat, green, yellow, heart leaf necrosis, until they die. Main control annual broadleaf weed.

    Tags : CAS No.:101200-48-0

  • Fungicide

    Fosetyl-aluminium 80% WP

    Mode of action Systemic fungicide, rapidly absorbed through the plant leaves or roots, with translocation both acropetally and basipetally.  Uses Control of diseases caused by e.g. Phytophthora, Pythium, Plasmopara, Bremia spp., etc. on a variety of crops including vines, fruit (citrus, pineapples, avocados, stone fruit and pome fruit), berries, vegetables, hops, ornamentals and turf. Application rates range from 1-7 kg/ha in citrus, 2 kg/ha in tree nuts, up to 3.6 kg/ha in pome fruit, 2 kg/ha in grapes and 2.4-4.5 kg/ha in cucumber. Also useful activity against several bacterial plant pathogens.

    Tags : CAS No.: 39148-24-8 Agrochemical Fungicide

  • Fungicide

    Carbendazim 80% WP,98% TC, 40% SC, 50% WP/SC,90% WG

    Mode of action Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. Absorbed through the roots and green tissues, with translocation acropetally. Acts by inhibiting development of the germ tubes, the formation of appressoria, and the growth of mycelia. Uses Control ofSeptoria, Fusarium, Erysiphe and Pseudocercosporella in cereals;Sclerotinia, Alternaria and Cylindrosporium in oilseed rape; Cercosporaand Erysiphe in sugar beet; Uncinula and Botrytis in grapes;Cladosporium and Botrytis in tomatoes; Venturia and Podosphaera in pome fruit and Monilia and Sclerotinia in stone fruit.

    Tags : CAS No.:10605-21-7 Application: fungicide

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[  a total of  53  pages]
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